
Private Life Coaching
Seminars & Workshops
Private Life Coaching
Private life coaching is an effective one-on-one approach. With Tea you will receive tailored sessions in person, via Skype/Facetime, or over the phone. She will help you hone in to achieve your ultimate goals. By realizing your own strengths, you will move forward with confidence and a comprehensive plan to design your life.
Seminars & Workshops
Sign up to attend Tea's seminars and gain her latest advise and knowledge along with 100+ fellow seekers of success. Seating is limited, varying on location. You will experience the added bonus of special guest speakers and walk away with a print-out of the featured presentation. There will be a Q&A at the end, plus the opportunity to sign up for special offers, exclusive Workshops, Private Coaching, and Tele-courses.
If you prefer a more hands-on approach, signing up for one of Tea's Workshops is for you. Spend several days in a more intimate setting with 25 of your peers. You will receive a printed workbook with daily exercises. You'll also enjoy the freedom of asking more questions and the benefit of participating in group discussions.
Tea understands that not everyone is able to get away for a few days or take time out of a busy schedule. Her Tele-courses are designed to give more people access to achievement resource. From the comfort of your own home you too can access vital knowledge and reap the rewards of listening in on valuable discussions. All you need is to sign up with your phone in hand, and you can begin your journey of progress and life fulfillment.
Join Tea's Newsletter below to receive special offers and updates on upcoming Seminars, Workshops, and Tele-course opportunities: